Dr. Tyler Skluzacek

Tyler J. Skluzacek, Ph.D.

I am a research scientist in the Workflow and Ecosystem Services (WES) group at the National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) at Oak Ridge National Lab. Additionally, I am an Adjunct Professor in the Computing and Data Analytics Department at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL. I am also the original founder of the NightWare (previously myBivy) application for monitoring and treating nightmares in patients with PTSD.

My work crosses the thresholds of data science and distributed computing, with a primary focus on designing distributed workflow orchestration systems capable of handling expansive compute requirements and data volumes. I build these systems so that the lab can perform autonomous experimentation. My data science expertise spans statistical and deep learning approaches for search-driven data mining and time series analytics.

I stay actively involved in the computing community. I am currently serving as the publicity chair for eScience '24, and have previously served on program committees for SC, HPDC, IPDPS, ICPP, and SciPy. I served on the curriculum development team for the Data4All bridge workshop for South-Chicago high school students.

Recent News

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MDC 2024

(Jul. 2024) I am invited to present a poster entitled "Enabling Distributed Research Orchestration Capabilities at ORNL" at the invitation-only Monterey Data Conference.

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PEARC 2024

(Jul. 2024) My team's paper "Towards Cross-Facility Workflows Orchestration through Distributed Automation" presented at PEARC 2024!

Adjunct Professor

Publicity Chair of eScience 2024

(Apr. 2024) I am excited to be serving as the Publicity Chair for eScience 2024.

Adjunct Professor

Teaching at Trinity

(Jan. 2024) I am teaching "Machine learning for data mining and advanced analytics" for the Computing and Data Analytics Department at Trinity Christian College.

Other News

  • [May 2024] I presented "Enhancing research orchestration capabilities at ORNL" at GlobusWorld 2024.
  • [Nov. 2023] I am co-PI on $300k grant to study distributed multi-workflow orchestration. Awarded by Oak Ridge National Lab.
  • [Oct. 2023] I traveled to Limassol, Cyprus to present my team's paper: "Can Automated Metadata Extraction Make Scientific Data More Navigable?"
  • [Oct. 2023] I presented at ParslFest 2023.